A point of reference to enjoy the Iberian culture
It is a point of reference in the Iberian culture, due to the monumentality of its defensive systems, the excellent conservation of its remains and because it is one of the few Iberian cities preserved in its integrity within the peninsular panorama.
The excavation of the archaeological site of Cerro de las Cabezas has uncovered a small part of the Iberian city that it hides.
The systematic campaigns that the Board of Communities of Castilla la Mancha is carrying out in collaboration with the Town Hall of Valdepeñas, since years ago, are revealing part of the urban and defensive areas of the city, showing its urbanization, warehouses, domestic areas, sanctuaries, towers and walls.
The archaeological site is a point of reference in the Iberian culture, both for the monumentality of its defensive systems, the excellent conservation of its architectural and archaeological remains, and for its exceptional singularity, since it is one of the few Iberian cities preserved in its integrity within the peninsular panorama.
You can observe architectural recreations and interpretation of the developed Iberian culture, introduce the visitor to the knowledge of the natural environment and of the Iberian societies, convert the Center into a point of reference in the current museology and in the interpretation of an archaeological site.